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Past performance, and simulated past performance, is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Calculation Methodology
Thorntons Investments AIM Portfolio
Performance is calculated on a total return (capital return with dividends reinvested) basis. Total return has been used to aid comparison although in practice dividend income will be held in cash to fund fees. The Thorntons Investments AIM portfolio includes all Business Relief qualifying AIM stocks we invested in for clients from the start of 2011. An equal unit investment was applied to each company at the start of the calculation, with a new unit investment made to each new stock invested in, in the month in which it was first used. Where a stock was removed from use its value was transferred into the stock chosen to replace it. The equal unit investment approach was utilised until the model portfolio service was launched in March 2017, and from then the target portfolio weightings have been applied in calculating the performance of the model.
Performance is based on Total Return and excludes the investment fee and any dealing charges.
Sustainable Future AIM Inheritance Tax Service
The portfolio service was launched in March 2022 and the target portfolio weightings are applied in calculating the performance of the model.
Performance is based on Total Return and excludes the investment fee and any dealing charges.
Managed Portfolio Service
The performance of each model portfolio is calculated on a daily basis by applying the target allocation of each underlying fund and cash allocation, from the start and each time there is a change in allocation, funds or a rebalance of the model.
The valuation of the funds held within each model are calculated on a bid to bid basis and shown in Pounds Sterling. It is important to know that unit prices of each fund reflect the value of the underlying assets of the funds and so can go down as well as up. Performance is calculated on a gross basis and does not reflect the management fee, or any dealing charges associated with the model portfolio.