Matt Strachan
Matt has over 30 years’ industry experience, and as head of our investment management function has overall responsibility for managing our range of MPS portfolios and AIM IHT Portfolio Service. His long-term investment discipline generated strong performance when he managed the Alliance Trust Investments North America Equity Fund, receiving a Morningstar/OBSR Bronze award within one year of fund launch. Matt’s considerable international investment experience saw him successfully selling out of Japan at the top of the market (1989/90), a bold move made with analytical and measured judgement.
Something you didn’t know about Matt:
Matt was scouted for a 1980s Jackie magazine photoshoot. He chose not to pursue a modelling career, and, luckily for us, instead focused on his financial services career.
‘Excellence is not a single act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.’
– Aristotle