Pre Retirement Seminars
I was chatting to a colleague recently about my forthcoming birthday, and suddenly it dawned on me that in eight years’ time, I will be able to access funds from my pension arrangements.
My first thought was, ouch, how did that happen? I still feel 21 most of the time! Well the years pass quickly but, perhaps unlike previous generations, the thought of retirement is no longer filled with images of feet up and a quiet life. It is much more likely to include buying a motorhome and spending several months travelling around Europe, taking flying lessons, running a marathon, going on a yoga retreat or perhaps footing the bill for your grandchildren’s university education! The list is endless.
So whilst I have no desire to hang up my boots (or calculator) just yet, I do feel it is imperative that we all give some thought as to how we want the next stage of our lives to look.
So if, like me, the birthday cakes now have a few more candles than they used to , why not come along to our forthcoming seminar where we ask the question:
“Are you on track for the retirement you want?” I’ll be sharing some top tips on planning effectively for the next stage of your life.
Click here – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/am-i-ready-to-retire-pre-retirement-seminar-tickets-64176371254.
Rachel Anderson, Solicitor at Thorntons will also present at the seminar and discuss the importance of succession planning including Wills, Powers of Attorney and Inheritance Tax Planning.
If you would like further information regarding these seminars, please do not hesitate to get in touch – marketing@thorntons-investments.co.uk