AIM Inheritance Tax Portfolio Service


Portfolio Objectives

Primary objective: To help investors to pass on more of their wealth to their beneficiaries after death.

Client money is invested into a diversified portfolio of Business Relief (BR) qualifying AIM shares that should achieve 100% relief from Inheritance Tax if owned for two years and held at date of death. Should death occur after April 2026 then the rate of relief will be 50%.

As BR qualification is only known following HMRC assessment on death, a key part of our service is to ensure to the best of our ability that companies we invest in remain BR qualifying.

Performance objective: To provide long term growth in value, whilst generating an honest dividend income which aims to cover most or all investor costs while mitigating much of the risk associated with this type of investment.


Key Information


Only available to investors through their Financial Adviser, on third-party platforms

Service commenced


Platform service launched

31st March 2017

Number of holdings


Investment Team

Matt Strachan

Ciaran Garvey

Catherine Jackson

Annual Management Charge

1% (VAT Exempt)

Other charges

Platform Charges apply

Platform dealing charges where applicable

Minimum investment


Tax Wrapper

ISA (including ISA Transfer)



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