Charity Quiz
Each year our staff choose a charity to support – it’s normally something that has affected a member of the team personally, and this year is no different.
In recent years, we’ve supported charities including Scottish Cot Death Trust, Beat Eating Disorders, CICRA (Crohn’s disease) and Maggies Centres.
To raise money, we have a regular tuck shop, bake-offs, dress down days, and kiltwalks amongst other things.
This year, I’m delighted we’ve chosen to support Myeloma UK. Myeloma is a blood cancer arising from plasma cells. At any one time there are around 24,000 people living with Myeloma in the UK. It accounts for 15 per cent of blood cancers, and two per cent of all cancers. Myeloma mainly affects those over the age of 65, however it has been diagnosed in people much younger.
To boost our fundraising activities this year, we’ve decided to hold a charity quiz, inviting all our colleagues and connections in the Dundee area to come along on Tuesday 25th October, 8pm at The Fort Hotel in Broughty Ferry. Full details can be found here: Charity Quiz Night. If you’re a regular quizzer, or just fancy helping raise money for a very worthy cause, then please come along – we’ll give you a very warm welcome! Let us know (details in the link) and we will book you a team and a table. Bring your cash as there will be loads of great raffle prizes to win too!